
Monday, March 11, 2013

Show and tell 7/3/13: Dasha, Maria and Pau M.

Dasha brought a handmade doll that she has since she was 4 years old. The doll helps Dasha sleeping!
Maria showed us bedsocks. Her great-grandmother made them for her when she was a baby! They're cute!
Pau Manzando showed and explained us everything related to his hockey sticks and how to play. 
Once more... thanks guys for sharing all this with us!

1 comment:

  1. Hello,
    Lily amb va agradar molt fer el "show and tell",ja que, ha estat molt be poder escoltar a els altres companys i a tu lily, i a més ha estat divertit, gracies per escoltar tot el rotllo que vaig escplicar de hoquei i dels stics i lo que vaig dir del "vinning goal" que no ho va ser però quedava be ;).
    Fins demà.....

    Pacus 08-04-2013.
